
Saturday, October 15, 2022

AWS Musing

So recently our organization made a proposal to pay AWS as part of the normal monthly salary. There were some cost implications to consider such as taxes and if there is any short change of CPF contributions. Those earning below $6000 will stand to benefit but the difference is really not a lot. However, those earning above $6000 would lose a substantial portion of CPF contributions. We therefore concluded the fact that the company was willing to do this was that a large portion of our employees were probably earning more than $6000 and only a small number of us minions earn less than $6000. So would I vote for getting the AWS by the month? Most likely. 

Other than paying slightly more taxes, I would be able to generate more interest for my CPF accounts as I'm dying to quickly reach the full retirement sum amount ASAP. However, it looks like a lot of high income earners will be voting against it.